For example, Chile, Argentina, and Bolivia are grouped together to make an image of a chili pepper. Sturdy, laminated full-color maps feature the mnemonic devices superimposed over each country's outline, providing students with an excellent study tool. Visualize World Geography uses images or pictographies that include one or more neighboring countries. The Teacher's Edition provides detailed lesson plans that include a program schedule, answer keys, and the reproduction of student pages with mnemonics. 125 indexed pages, softcover, spiralbound. Multiple-choice atlas-based exercises for each world region are also included. The back of the book contains physical geography questions for each lesson that ask students to identify capitals, mountains, rivers, deserts, shared borders, ports, history, and more. Moving continent-by-continent and country-by-country in the Student Workbook, students focus on learning the mnemonic devices before taking a quiz. The CD-ROM includes grid drawing sheets that include maps and transparent copies of the licensed photos. An additional four "Physical Geography" DVDs include footage and still photos that present information about each country. Both present the same mnemonics that are used in the book, with the direct-approach videos presenting more complex set-ups. One set of DVDs features skit-based mnemonic lessons while the other set features direct mnemonic lessons. Two levels of DVD curriculum are included (four for each level) that present the mnemonic and physical geography information students learn in the course. Your students will be able to identify every country on the map with Visualize World Geography! Helping them to see boundaries as meaningful, rather than a random, squiggly assortment of lines, this fun program uses humorous puns and/or storylines as a way of associating the shape of the country with its name.